اقامت کانادا برای فارغ التحصیلان کارشناسی ارشد از بریتیش کلمبیا

بازدیدکنندگان : 9971 نفر 1399/05/30 کد خبر : 13691
اقامت کانادا برای فارغ التحصیلان کارشناسی ارشد از بریتیش کلمبیا

دریافت اقامت کانادا برای فارغ التحصیلان کارشناسی ارشد از بریتیش کلمبیا

آیا شما از موسسات واجد شرایط بریتیش کلمبیا مدرک فارغ التحصیلی دارید؟ بدانید که در بخش‌های فناوری پیشرفته و تکنولوژی، مراقبت و درمان و علوم کاربردی در کارتان پیشرفت خواهید کرد  و با برنامه ای مدون اقامت دائم کانادا را در زیباترین شهر کانادا-ونکوور- تجربه خواهید کرد.

آقای گنجی -وکیل رسمی مهاجرت کانادا-اینطور بیان نمود که؛ در حال حاضر استان بریتیش کلمبیا دو برنامه برای نیروی متخصص دارد. که شامل برنامه فارغ التحصیلان فوق لیسانس در ونکوور و برنامه ورود سریع که در زیر توضیح خواهیم داد. همچنین در مورد مهاجرت به بریتیش کلمبیا بدون پیشنهاد شغلی را بخوانید.

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برنامه مهاجرت مخصوص دانشجویان فارغ التحصیل کارشناسی ارشد و دکتری استان، به شما در دستیابی اقامت دائم بریتیش کلمبیا کمک کند. شما برای ارسال درخواست نیاز به پیشنهاد شغلی ندارید. اما بعد از فارغ التحصیلی در رشته های زیر در بریتیش کلمبیا از طریق برنامه های اکسپرس اینتری این استان می توانید برای اقامت دائم کانادا اقدام کنید.
راه سریع‌تری برای درخواست اقامت دائم وجود دارد؟ بله اگر واجد شرایط برنامه‌ی ورود سریع برای دانشجویان بین‌المللی فارغ التحصیل کارشناسی ارشد باشید.

کدام مدارک تحصیلات تکمیلی معتبر است؟

شما باید در سه سال گذشته مدرک کارشناسی ارشد یا دکترا در یکی از رشته‌های زیر گرفته باشید:
  • کشاورزی
  • علوم بیولوژیک و زیستی
  • علوم کامپیوتر و اطلاعات و خدمات پشتیبانی
  • مهندسی
  • فناوری مهندسی
  • صنایع بهداشتی و علوم بالینی مرتبط-متخصص بهداشت دهان و دندان 
  • ریاضیات و آمار
  • مطالعه و حفاظت محیط زیست
  • علوم فیزیک
• agriculture
• biological and biomedical sciences
• computer and information sciences and support services
• engineering
• engineering technology
• health professions and related clinical sciences
• mathematics and statistics
• natural resources conservation and research
• physical sciences


آیا من واجد شرایط هستم؟

برای واجد شرایط بودن در این برنامه، باید:
• دارای ویزای قانونی در کانادا باشد یا واجد شرایط آن باشید.
• در 3 سال گذشته از موسسات واجد شرایط بریتیش کلمبیا یک مدرک فارغ التحصیلی معتبر دریافت کرده باشید.
• قصد و توانایی خود برای زندگی در بریتیش کلمبیا را نشان دهید.
• تحصیل به صورت آنلاین مورد قبول نیست.
• حداقل طول دوره باید یکسال فول تایم باشد.
• رشته ای که تحصیل کرده اید در یکی از گرایش های بالا باشد.

لیست دانشگاه ها و رشته های مورد قبول برنامه فارغ التحصیلان بریتیش کلمبیا

New York Institute of Technology
Master of Science in Cybersecurity Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Energy Management
Northeastern University
Master of Science in Computer Science Master’s Degree
Trinity Western University
Trinity Western University Master’s Degree
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Building Eng/Building Sc Master’s Degree
Building Science
Ecological Restoration
Royal Roads University
Environmental Education and Communication - MA Master’s Degree
Environmental Practice - MA
Environmental Practice - Msc
Environment and Management - MA
Environment and Management - Msc
Simon Fraser University
Pest Management Mpm Master’s Degree
Resource and Environmental Management PhD Doctorate
Resource Management (Planning) MRM Master’s Degree
Masters in Resource Management MRM
Computing Science Dual Degree PhD Doctorate
Computing Science PhD
Interactive Arts And Technology PhD
Computer Science MSc Master’s Degree
Big Data MSc
Computing Science Dual Degree MSc
Computing Science MSc
Computing Science Non-Thesis MSc
Interactive Arts and Technology MA
Interactive Arts and Technology MSc
Master of Digital Media
Engineering Science PhD Doctorate
Mechatronic Systems Engineering PhD
Engineering Science MASc Master’s Degree
Engineering Science MEng
Mechatronic Systems Engineering MASc
Mechatronic Product Realization MEng
Biological Sciences PhD Doctorate
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry PhD
Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology PhD
Biological Sciences MSc Master’s Degree
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry MSc
Environmental Toxicology MET
Ecological Restoration MSc
Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology MSc
Mathematics PhD Doctorate
Statistics PhD
Mathematics MSc Master’s Degree
Statistics MSc
Chemistry PhD Doctorate
Earth Sciences PhD
Physics PhD
Chemistry MSc Master’s Degree
Earth Sciences MSc
Physics MSc
Health Sciences PhD Doctorate
Health Sciences MPh  
Master’s Degree
Health Sciences MSc
Population and Public Health MSc
Thompson Rivers University
Master of Science in Environmental Science Master’s Degree
Master of Nursing
University of British Columbia - Okanagan
Doctor of Philosophy in Earth and Environmental Sciences Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
Master of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Environmental Science
Master of Data Science Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Science in Computer Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Civil Engineering Master’s Degree
Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies
Master of Science in Biology Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies
Master of Science in Mathematics Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Doctorate
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Master of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Physics Doctorate
Master of Science in Health and Exercise Sciences Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Medical Physics
Master of Science in Nursing
University of British Columbia – Vancouver
Doctor of Philosophy in Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Animal Biology
Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science
Master of Science in Agricultural Economics Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems
Master of Food and Resource Economics
Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management
Master of Science in Animal Science
Master of Science in Applied Animal Biology
Master of Science In Experimental Medicine
Master of Food Science
Master of Science in Food Science
Master of Science in Plant Science
Master of Science in Soil Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Resource Management and Environmental Studies Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Resource Management and Environmental Studies with Université de Versaille
Doctor of Philosophy in Resource Management and Environmental Studies with Université Montpelier
Doctor of Philosophy in Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Doctor of Philosophy In Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical & Computer Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry
Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry in Zoology
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Engineering
Master of Land and Water Systems Master’s Degree
Master of Arts in Resource Management and Environmental Studies
Master of Arts in Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Master of Science in Resource Management and Environmental Studies
Master of Science in Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Master of Forestry
Master of Applied Science in Forestry
Master of Science in Forestry
Master of Sustainable Forest Management
Master of International Forestry
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science Doctorate
Master of Data Science Master’s Degree
Master of Software Systems
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Science in Computer Science Sub-Specialization in Human- Computer Interaction
Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biological Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy In Electrical & Computer Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical & Computer Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical & Computer Engineering with Univ. de Valenciennes et du Haina
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical & Computer Engineering with Université Libre de Bruxelles
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Mining Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Geological Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering Master’s Degree
Master of Engineering
Master of Engineering Leadership in Advanced Materials Manufacturing
Master of Engineering Leadership in Green Bioproducts
Master of Engineering Leadership in Integrated Water Management
Master of Engineering Leadership in Integrated Water Management In Urban Systems
Master of Engineering Leadership in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Master of Engineering Leadership in Urban Systems
Master of Engineering in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Engineering in Electrical & Computer Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Chemical and Biological Engineering
Master of Engineering in Chemical and Biological Engineering
Master of Science in Chemical and Biological Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Civil Engineering
Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Master of Engineering in Structural and Earthquake Engineering
Master of Engineering Leadership in Dependable Software Systems
Master of Applied Science in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering Sub-Specialization in Human-Computer Interaction
Master of Engineering In Electrical & Computer Engineering In Mechatronics Design
Master of Applied Science in Engineering Physics
Master of Applied Science in Materials Engineering
Master of Science in Materials Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Mining Engineering
Master of Engineering in Geological Engineering In Mining Engineering
Master of Engineering in Mining Engineering
Master of Management in Operations Research
Master of Applied Science in Geological Engineering
Master of Engineering in Geological Engineering
Master of Engineering in Mechatronics Design
Master of Engineering Leadership in Clean Energy Engineering
Master of Engineering Leadership in High Performance Buildings
Master of Engineering in Clean Energy Engineering
Master of Engineering Leadership in Resource Engineering Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy In Botany
Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Developmental Biology
Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Medicine
Doctor of Philosophy in Anatomy and Cell Biology
Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology and Immunology
Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology
Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology with Agrocampus Oeust
Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Genetics
Doctor of Philosophy in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Doctor of Philosophy in Genome Science and Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Reproductive and Developmental Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Oncology
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacology and Therapeutics with University of Groningen
Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics
Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience
Doctor of Philosophy In Neuroscience in Cell and Developmental Biology
Master of Science In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Botany
Master of Science in Cell and Developmental Biology
Master of Science in Microbiology and Immunology
Master of Science in Neuroscience
Master of Science in Zoology
Master of Science in Genetics
Master of Science in Medical Genetics
Master of Science in Genome Science and Technology
Master of Science in Reproductive and Developmental Sciences
Master of Science in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Oncology
Master of Science in Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
Master of Science in Experimental Medicine
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics with University of Melbourne
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics
Master of Science in Mathematics Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Statistics
Master of Business Analytics
Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Atmospheric Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry with Université Libre de Bruxelles
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry with Université Paul Sabatier
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry with University of Groningen
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Geological Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Geological Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanography
Master of Science in Astronomy Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Physics
Master of Science in Atmospheric Science
Master of Science in Chemistry
Master of Science in Geological Sciences
Master of Applied Science in Geophysics
Master of Science in Geophysics
Master of Science in Oceanography
Master of Science in Physics in Mathematics
Doctor of Philosophy in Audiology and Speech Sciences Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Craniofacial Science
PhD in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Endodontics
PhD in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Orthodontics
PhD in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Periodontics
PhD in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Prosthodontics
Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Medicine with São Paulo State University
Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology and Immunology
Doctor of Pharmacy
Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Medicine
Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Medicine In Pharmaceutical Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences with University of Copenhagen
Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health
Doctor of Philosophy In Population and Public Health In Experimental Medicine
Doctor of Philosophy In Population and Public Health with Université Paris Marie Curie
Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health with University of Birmingham
Doctor of Philosophy in Health Care and Epidemiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Doctor of Philosophy in Measurement, Evaluation & Research Methodology
Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience
Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Therapy
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
Master of Science in Audiology and Speech Sciences Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Craniofacial Science
MSc in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Endodontics
MSc in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Orthodontics
MSc in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Pediatric Dent
Master in Dental Science/Diploma in Periodontics
MSc in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Prosthodontics
Master of Science in Dental Science
Master of Health Administration
Executive Master of Business Administration
Executive Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management
Master of Science in Experimental Medicine
Master of Science in Surgery
Master of Science in Genetic Counselling
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Master of Science in Population and Public Health
Master of Health Science
Master of Public Health
Master of Public Health/Diploma Dental Public Health
Master of Public Health/Master of Science in Nursing
Master of Science in Health Care and Epidemiology
Master of Science in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Master of Rehabilitation Science
Master of Occupational Therapy
Master of Physical Therapy
Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences
Master of Nursing
Master of Nursing Nurse Practitioner
Master of Science in Nursing
Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Seniors Care
Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Clinical Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Resources & Environmental Studies Doctorate
Master of Arts in Natural Resources & Environmental Studies Master’s Degree
Master of Arts in Outdoor Recreation, Conservation and Tourism
Master of Science in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Master of Science in Recreational Resource Management
Master of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies
Master of Science in Forestry
Master of Science in Computer Science Master’s Degree
Master of Engineering Integrated Wood Design
Master of Science in Biochemistry
Master of Science in Biology
Master of Science in Mathematics Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Chemistry
Master of Science in Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences Doctorate
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Master of Science in Health Sciences Master’s Degree
Master of Arts in Occupational Health And Industrial Hygiene
Master of Arts in Disability Management
Master of Science in Community Health And Preventive Medicine
Master of Science in Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing in Family Nurse Practitioner
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Studies Doctorate
Master of Arts in Environmental Studies Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Environmental Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science Doctorate
Master of Science in Computer Science Master’s Degree
Doctor of Philosophy in En: Civil Engr Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in En: Electrical Engr
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Applied Science in En: Civil Engr Master’s Degree
Master of Applied Science in Computer Engineering
Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering
Master of Applied Science in En: Electrical Engr
Master of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering
Master of Applied Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering
Master of Engineering: Telecommunications and Information Security
Master of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Engineering in Applied Data Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology/Biological Sciences Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience (Medical Science)
Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience
Master of Science in Biology/Biological Sciences Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Biochemistry
Master of Science in Microbiology
Master of Science in Neuroscience (Medical Science)
Master of Science in Neuroscience (Biology)
Master of Science in Neuroscience (Psychology)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics
Master of Science in Mathematics Master’s Degree
Master of Arts in Mathematics
Master of Science in Statistics
Master of Arts in Statistics
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Geology/Earth Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (all concentrations)
Master of Science in Chemistry Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Geology/Earth Science
Master of Science in Physics (all concentrations)
Doctor of Philosophy in Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy in Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse (Rn, Asn, Bsn, Bscn, Msn, MScn)
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Dimensions of Health
Master of Science in Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator Master’s Degree
Master Of Public Health in Public Health (Mph, Dph)
Master of Nursing in Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse (Rn, Asn, Bsn, Bscn, Msn, MScn)
Master of Nursing in Nursing - Concentration in GS: Nurse Practitioner
Master of Nursing in Nursing Science (Ms, MSc, PhD)
Master of Arts in Social Dimensions of Health
Master of Science in Social Dimensions of Health

سوال خود را از وکیل کانادا اینجا مطرح کنید:
پیام شما ثبت شد و پس از تایید در سایت منتشر می شود
تعداد پرسش ها: 8
بنده به تازگی در ونکوور درسم تمام شده در دانشگاه در مقطع ارشد
میخاستم درخواست ویزای کاری بدم
آیا سازمان شما میتواند کمک کند برای جاب و رزومه؟؟
  • سازمان مهاجرت گنجی
  • گنجی
  • 1401/03/28
برای کاریابی در کانادا لینک را کلیک کنید
برای شروع به کار هم در کلاسهای رزومه نویسی شرکت کنید
من به تازگی در ونکوور از یکی از دانشگاه ها فارغ التحصیل شدم و مجوز کار هم دارم
تا چه مدت میتونم بمونم و کار کنم؟آیا میتوانم همسرم هم بیارم؟
  • سازمان مهاجرت گنجی
  • گنجی
  • 1401/03/28
به تعداد سالهای تحصیل به شما ویزای کار می دهند. 
بهتر است یکسال برای یک کارفرما کار کنید سپس برای برنامه تجربه کار کانادایی با ایلتس اقدام کنید
بعضی رشته ها نیز در اولویت استان می باشند
ما لیست کامل را در تلگرام گنجی درج کردیم. درواتس اپ پیام دهید که برای شما ارسال شود.
دوست من با طرح پزشکی از استارتاپ اقدام کرده و قبول شده اما پزشک متخصص بوده، من با پزشک عمومی می توانم؟
  • سازمان مهاجرت گنجی
  • گنجی
  • 1401/03/15
ما طرح های مناسب برای رشته شما نیز داریم که بتوانید اقامت دائم کانادا را همراه خانواده کسب کنید.
آقای دکتر گنجی ممنون از این خبر شما، که رایگان برای مردم می گذارید
من خودم اقدام کردم و الان مشغول به تحصیلم و راضی ام.
با اینکه نتوانستم از موکلینتون باشم، اما شما را به همه پیشنهاد می کنم.
برای تشکر و ارزوی سال خوب، جداگانه گل زیبایی را برای دفتر تهران تان ارسال کردم.
  • سازمان مهاجرت گنجی
  • گنجی
  • 1401/02/01
در کانادا موفق باشید
محمد 1399/06/14
در صورت اتمام دوران تحصیل در مقطع ارشد در کانادا و پایان مدت ویزای Post graduate شخص بایستی از طریق EE برای اخذ اقامت کاری اقدام کند. حال با توجه به عوامل دخیل مانند شرط سنی این احتمال وجود دارد که شخص نتواند از طریق EE اقامت بگیرد. این احتمال چقدر قوی هستش و راه های جایگزین برای جلوگیری از دیپورت شدن رو چی میدونید؟
  • سازمان مهاجرت گنجی
  • گنجی
  • 1399/06/25
استارت اپ، کبک، کارآفرینی ها و...
محمد ن1399/06/01
آیا برای پذیرش داشتن استادی پلن مهم است؟
  • سازمان مهاجرت گنجی
  • گنجی
  • 1399/06/11
بله مخصوصا دانشگاه های بالا.
ممنون از لیست رشته های دانشگاه که در سایت قرار دادید.
سوال بنده این است، که برای دریافت پذیرش از این دانشگاه ها با سن بالای 45 شانسی دارم. من در 25 سالگی فارغ التحصیل شدم
  • سازمان مهاجرت گنجی
  • گنجی
  • 1399/06/11
خیر .
در مرحله ویزا ریجکت میشوید
من لیسانس حسابداری و ارشدمدیریت صنعتی دارم
من میتونم اقدام کنم واسه اقامت؟
  • سازمان مهاجرت گنجی
  • گنجی
  • 1399/06/11
اگر سن زیر35 و ایلتس داشته باشید میتوانید.
دسته بندی خبرها
مهمترین های کانادا
پادکست ها

نظرسنجی مهاجرت کانادا

کدام روش بهترین راه برای مهاجرت خواهد بود؟

  • مهاجرت به کانادا با روش استارتاپ و اکسپرس اینتری
  • مهاجرت به اروپا با ویزای طلایی اسپانیا
  • سفر بدون ویزا به 140کشور با اخذ پاسپورت دومینیکا
  • مهاجرت به کشورهای عربی مانند ویزای اقامت دبی
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